Mommy Logues WILW

Hello Again! WILW July, 8th

It’s Wednesday morning. Little Man is sitting at the computer watching a Nature and Things documentary on mosquitoes and Bambino just identified all 5 shapes on the broken bridge on Dora
Yeah. It’s that kind of morning. When you feel like your kids are growing way too fast but you feel the need to brag. 



This Mom is so Tired -WILW May, 7th

To all you tired mommas out there, here’s some happy for your Wednesday. 

This Mom is so Tired” Parody




Wednesday, April 29th – A Haiku


Blowing bubbles with my boys
Don’t bother the mess
It’s milk and cookies with mom

Mommy Logues

To the Mother of Boys

As a mom of two boys, this Huffpost article caught my attention. I was only about 1/3 of the way through when the words strike a chord and the prickle of tears sting my eyes. 

How many times have I heard those words from others, innocent enough, asking if I’ll “try for a girl” or they’d sigh and smile and say, “maybe you’ll get your girl next time.” I’m sorry, am I less of a mom because I gave birth to two beautiful boys? Will a daughter fill some kind of void that I may or may not have? Unbeknoswnst to them, their words have at times made me feel inadequate as a mother because ‘I can only give birth to boys’. In fact, on the day that my husband proposed, I called his parents to tell them the news. My then Mother-in-law-to-be said, “Well, that’s the first step in getting my grand-daughter.” It was laughable, but it certainly added a little pressure. When I was pregnant with Little Man I would find myself longing for a little girl, if only just to please the others around me. I felt guilty, knowing this was so unfair to the little being inside.

We didn’t want to find out the sex of the baby but, for reasons out of our control, I had to have several sonograms, each one just taunting us a little more. All the while through the pregnancy my head and my heart were flipping a coin; boy, girl, boy, girl? The days before my last scheduled ultrasound, my husband and I talked about finding out what we were having. The nursery was ready, clothes washed and folded into neat little bundles in the change table, and I was just about at my limit mentally and physically (can you say beached whale?). Everyone had their predictions. We wanted just one little secret between us; another preparation for the massive life-changing event we were about to embark on. On that day, as I laid my hand on my oversized and over stretched torso, I knew. I just knew it was a little boy. I felt every emotion. Sure enough, the technician asked if we wanted to know…really wanted to know, we said yes. We had about 6 weeks holding on to that secret. We bought little denim overalls and two onesies from the gender-specific side of the baby store. 

For baby #2 just 2.5 years later, it was a no-brainer to find out if it was another son or a little daughter. I honestly would have been happy with either, and God blessed us with another boy. The technician scanned over the “parts” and (boy, oh boy) there was no mistaking. We were overjoyed and not once did I pout or feel dejected or put out for not conceiving a girl. Girls are wonderful, I have 4 precious nieces that I don’t spend nearly enough time with, but I am a proud momma of two wonderful boys. 

I am absolutely content and my heart is full of so much love and joy for the two precious little men that call me “momma.” When their tiny hands reach to take mine, it’s as if they’re connecting right to my heart. I’m their favourite girl and they are my two little superheroes always ready to protect their momma. 
P.s. Just curious, do mommas of all girls receive similar comments? i.e. “Will you try for a boy?”


WILW – April 22nd – *WARNING: unintentional product advertising*

This is how it went down: 

Me: Little Man, can you hand me a new roll of toilet paper please? 

LM: Sure mom (gets it from the closet and brings it to me). Is this toilet paper Charmin Ultra Strong?

Me: (Giving him the most bewildered look) How do you know what that is?

LM: It’s a real kind, you know. Honest! 

Me: (Starts smiling and gives a chuckle).

LM: Why are you laughing? Charmin Ultra Strong is real. It’s true. I’m not lying!

I couldn’t help but laugh at his conviction. 

Wow! TV advertising, you’re good! Even my 4 year old has been reeled in. 

-Cheers, RFM


Wednesday, April 15th

Sleeping on a couch with a toddler… 


Mommy Logues

When Women Say “NO” to Kids

Here’s an interesting read especially to all you momma bloggers out there: 

Things You Should Never Say to a Woman Who Doesn’t Want Kids

Original article from written by Nicole Rupersburg.

Activities with Kids WILW

Wednesday, April 8th – Proud Little Moments

I’m a teacher, an English teacher, and Education is obviously very important to me. So it warms my heart to see my kids eager to learn, to read, to dream. 

This week Little Man amazed me with his newfound decoding skills as he worked on a puzzle in his new Iron Man activity book. I showed him what to do for the first few letters and he took it from there. 





Activities with Kids WILW

April Fools! WILW

I’ve always been a fan of April Fool’s Day and if you remember my post from last year when I sabotaged my son’s morning routine, you understand that my kids don’t get away easy either.

It actually didn’t go as well as planned last year as you can see here.

This year, since Little Man now goes to preschool two days a week, I only had breakfast time to do my work. But Oh! His face when he discovered my tricks!

See the Cup Prank Here

Laugh often, Love Always,


Mommy Logues WILW

WILW – March 24th – Brilliant!

I love being a momma when I hear my child cite funny and most brilliant phrases and comments. Yesterday it was about his pants: 

Little Man: “I love my pants. They’re so warm and soft and snuggle-y. They’re like shorts. Like long-sleeve shorts.”

PANTS: They’re just long-sleeve shorts. 
